Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nice Weekend

A nice weekend is coming to a close.

Yesterday we stayed home from church. I had asked someone to take my childrens' class so we could have a family together weekend. We didn't have anything planned. Just wanted to spend some time together.

So, since we have passes to the Aquarium we decided to go there in the morning. I love to go and see all the different fish and sea life they have. Thomas loves the birds. We spent a few hours there taking in the different exhibits before heading home for a quick lunch of soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.

In the evening, we took a ride over to Ingelside to check out some building of offshore rigs that is going on but couldn't get close enough to really see it well. Then we decided to take the ferry over to Port A and drive around and see some sites. By sundown we found ourselves at Fins Restaurant & Grill and went in to get a bite before heading home. It was a very nice day.

Today was a usual Sunday. Did some housework, some laundry, some grocery shopping, some bread baking, some gluten making, and watched some Dallas Cowboys football. They won!!!!! It was a great game and one I wish I had been right there in the stadium to watch.

Anyway, now the day is almost over. Time to get some sleep and get ready for a new work week tomorrow.

I'll leave you with a few shots from our trip to the Aquarium.

And this is how I feel as my day ends today.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Blog & Rain

I didn't think it would ever stop raining.

We have received over 12 inches of rain since last week and today we actually saw the sunshine for a few minutes.

Tomorrow is the first day of fall however our high is going to still be in the 90s. We are supposed to get a cold front in on Sunday evening but we aren't holding our breath for freezing temperatures.

As you can see I have changed my blog. It is still under construction and hopefully I will have the whole thing completed over the next few weeks. I hope you like it.

For my photo today this is a purple water hyacinth that is in the lawn pond in our front yard. Our chickens loved the plants and were eating and walking on them so my husband had to put a fence around the pond so they couldn't trample the plants anymore. They are finally beginning to look healthy again and today there are four flowers among the greens. Here is a close up of one of them.