Monday, November 16, 2009

Refocus on Holiday Values

So, I am taking this class on Jessica Sprague's website and the first assignment is to put down our values and goals in preparation for Christmas.

What are my values for this Christmas? A good question. The top five are: Family, Spirit, Gratitude, Memorable, and Organization.

My goals for each value are:
Family - Appreciate my family more and spend more time with them.
Spirit - To help me and my family appreciate and remember the true "spirit" of Christmas.
Gratitude - To be more greatful, daily, for the sacrifice that was made for me by my loving Savior.
Memorable - To create memories for my son that he will remember his whole life.
Organization - To organize my life more. From my household to my computer, everything should be put in a place and everything should have its own place.

Now comes the hard part.....accomplishing these things.


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