Sunday, May 16, 2010


Yesterday was all about babies. We had a baby dedication at church for one of our newest in the church family. Little Hadassah was a little on the fussy side but is still so sweet and who could help but love her just because she is a gift to us from God.


In the afternoon we stopped by to see my grand-nephew, James, who was entertaining my sister and niece since his parents both had to work. He is such a cutie. I was taking pictures of him and as soon as he saw the camera it was like he would stop and pose for me. I got lots of smiles and lots of kisses. What a wonderful way to spend the afternoon.


God has certainly blessed us with wonderful children. May we always show them love and encouragement and just how special they are. And may we never take for granted the blessings God has given to us.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


About three months ago we got eight baby chicks from the local feed store. They had four different kinds of chicks and we got two of each kind. We got white leghorns, buff orthingtons, black australorps, and red leghorns.

Thomas loves chickens and we have enjoyed watching them grow. They reside out in our back yard in a chicken coop that Tom built.

On Sunday, Thomas was outside playing and he accidently stepped on one of the black chickens. He came in to the house very upset because it had ripped the skin from underneath the chickens neck.

I wasn’t sure what to do. So, I googled “chicken wound” and found several sites that said it was treatable but the closest thing I had to what they recommended was Bactine spray.

So, we had a prayer for the chicken (the first time I have prayed for one and not over one :o)) and we sprayed it with the spray. I am happy to say that it is now Thursday and the chicken is doing fine. She doesn’t look as pretty as she once did but is thriving with the rest of the chickens.

God cares even about the little things.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

A New Birth

Yesterday a wonderful girl who has been attending our church for about a year decided to get baptized. It is so wonderful to see someone who has studied and found truth in the Bible and wants to make that commitment to follow Christ.

It was a happy occasion for all of us as this young lady has become a part of our “family” and we all love her.

Here is a photo of her in the baptistry with our pastor and my brother-in-law who was the one who studied with her.

God bless you, Megan, and may you keep close to Him always. We love you!


Saturday, May 1, 2010


Today is Sabbath. A day of rest. A day to spend in worship and with fellow believers. I look forward to this day each week. It’s a time when I can stop worrying about life and just spend time with my Savior in worship and song.

I have to teach the Kindergarten Sabbath School class and today our lesson is on prayer. The message is, “We can talk to Jesus anytime, anywhere”. I forget that sometimes. I think that I can do it all myself. That He isn’t interested in what I’m doing and what I need. But the memory verse really sent it home to me. It is found in Jeremiah 29:12. It says, “Pray to Me, and I will listen to you.” That is all it takes. Just take time to pray. Make time to pray. It is something I need to work on and with His help I will.

I took this photo a few weeks ago. I have been wanting to take it for a while but our weather wouldn’t cooperate and it was always cloudy or rainy.

On Monday morning, April 19, I was on my way in to work early. It was about 7AM and I was coming over the Harbor Bridge and noticed the sunrise. I knew I had to try to get my picture.

So, I stopped at the First Methodist Church down on the bayfront and took this.
