Saturday, May 1, 2010


Today is Sabbath. A day of rest. A day to spend in worship and with fellow believers. I look forward to this day each week. It’s a time when I can stop worrying about life and just spend time with my Savior in worship and song.

I have to teach the Kindergarten Sabbath School class and today our lesson is on prayer. The message is, “We can talk to Jesus anytime, anywhere”. I forget that sometimes. I think that I can do it all myself. That He isn’t interested in what I’m doing and what I need. But the memory verse really sent it home to me. It is found in Jeremiah 29:12. It says, “Pray to Me, and I will listen to you.” That is all it takes. Just take time to pray. Make time to pray. It is something I need to work on and with His help I will.

I took this photo a few weeks ago. I have been wanting to take it for a while but our weather wouldn’t cooperate and it was always cloudy or rainy.

On Monday morning, April 19, I was on my way in to work early. It was about 7AM and I was coming over the Harbor Bridge and noticed the sunrise. I knew I had to try to get my picture.

So, I stopped at the First Methodist Church down on the bayfront and took this.



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