Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Saying Goodbye

It's always hard to say goodbye.

On Wednesday, my step-father-in-law passed away. He would've been 89 next month. He was a sweet, gentle, caring man who loved his family and his country. He served in the US Navy during World War II and was part of the clean-up crew at Pearl Harbor after the bombing.

He was married to his first wife for 61 years and they had three daughters. She passed away in 2008 and his family wasn't sure he would be around for very long after she was gone.

In August 2009 he married my mother-in-law. He wanted to live again! He was proud to show my mother-in-law off as his "hot wife" to all of his friends and family. He began to lose ground a few weeks ago and finally passed away last Wednesday.

His funeral was yesterday and he was buried with military honors. I don't know how many times I heard from his family at the services that my mother-in-law gave them a few more years with him because of her love and care for him.

We will all miss Grandpa. And we are waiting for that day when we will be together again in the world to come when Christ comes in the clouds to take all of us home with him to live eternally.


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